Creative vs. created cities

Author of the photo: Magdalena Szmytkowska


Creative vs. created cities. Multidimensional experiences of Polish cities and development in the area of post-modernism and neoliberal economy. The case of Polish medium cities (100-250 thousands inhabitants)


  • National Science Centre

The aim of the project

  • to analyze the transitions characteristic for middle-sized Polish cities (100-250 thousands inhabitants) during political and economic transformation
  • to evaluate the effectiveness of governance and co-operation within urban policies in explored cities


2011 – 2015

Engaged persons


  • Szmytkowska M., 2015, Przeobrażenia społeczno-gospodarcze i kierunki rozwojowe wybranych miast średnich w świetle wyników badań społecznych [PL] (in press)
  • Szmytkowska M., 2015, Społeczne doświadczanie miasta… średniego [PL] (in press)
