A living space of Poles

Author of the photo: Jan Frankowski
A living space of Poles
- The Association of Polish Architects
- PZU Foundation
The main goal of the project
- diagnosis of the condition of Polish landscape, drivers of the main proccesses which shape the present character of Polish cities and villages and the awareness of the architecture – as a specific proof of socio-economic and cultural condition of Polish society, conception on activities for improving quality of everyday environment
2013 – 2014
- Chancellery of the President
- many different stakeholders from academic and practical world
Engaged persons
- Baranowska A., Frankowski J., Grabkowska M., Sagan I., 2014, Urban Citizenship [in:] A Living Space of Poles, The Association of Polish Architects, Warszawa. ISBN 878-83-920049-2-9
- Presentation of the Department works during expert seminary in the Chancellery of the President