Prof Iwona Sagan


Head of Department of Socio-Economic Geography
Head of RECOURSE Centre of Excellence (Research and Education Centre for Urban Socio-Economic Development)

Research interests

  • urban and regional policy
  • development of metropolitan regions
  • theory and methodology of regional studies
  • studies of place
  • territorial identity


Selected publications


  • Zieliński T., Sagan I., Surosz W., (red.), 2018, Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Development Goals. Economic Growth, Social Inclusion and Environmental Protection. Springer.
  • Masik G., Sagan I., Frankowski J., Stępień J., 2017, Warunki życia oraz usługi społeczne w Gdyni. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. [PL]
  • Sagan I., 2017, Miasto. Nowa kwestia i nowa polityka. Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa. [PL]
  • Sagan I., Szmytkowska M. (red.), 2012, City in times of neoliberal urbanism, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk. [PL]
  • Sagan I., Canowiecki Z., 2011, Between integration and competition. Gdansk-Gdynia Metropolitan Area, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa. [PL]
  • Sagan I., Smith D.M., (red.), 2005, Society, economy, environment – towards the sustainable city. University of Gdańsk, Department of Economic Geography, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Gdańsk-Poznań.
  • Sagan I., Halkier H. (red.), 2005, Regionalism Contested. Institution, Society and Governance. Ashgate, Aldershot.
  • Sagan I., Czepczyński M. (red.), 2004, Featuring the quality of urban life in contemporary cities of Eastern and Western Europe. University of Gdańsk, Department of Economic Geography, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Gdańsk-Poznań.
  • Sagan I., Czepczyński M. (red.), 2003, The concept and contemporary interpretations of region. Department of Economic Geography, University of Gdansk, Gdańsk – Poznań. [PL]
  • Sagan I., Czepczyński M. (red.), 2001, Selected research problems of social geography in Poland. Department of Economic Geography, University of Gdansk, Gdańsk. [PL]
  • Sagan I., 2000, The stage of conflicts and co-operation. Cities development in the light of urban regime theory. Gdansk University Press, Gdansk. [PL]


Book chapters

  • Sagan I., Masik G., 2018, The economic crisis and the Pomorskie region of Poland: a case study of resistance [in:] G. Bristow, A. Healy (red.), Economic crisis and the resilience of regions, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 25-40.
  • Grabkowska M., Sagan I., Pancewicz Ł., 2015. The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Rise of Urban Social Movements in Poland [in:] C.N. Silva (red.), Emerging Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in Urban E-Planning, IGI Global, Hershey, 93-113.
  • Sagan I., 2013, Challenges of regional and metropolitan policy in Poland, [in:] I. Kovacs, J. Scott, Z. Gal (eds.), Territorial Cohesion in Europe. For the 70th Anniversary of the Transdanubian Research Institute, Institute for Regional Studies, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Pecs, 402-411.
  • Sagan I., Grabkowska M., 2013, Negotiating participatory regeneration in the post-socialist inner city, [in:] M. E. Leary, J. McCarthy (red.) The Routledge Companion to Urban Regeneration, Routledge, 433-442.
  • Kabisch S., Sagan I., 2011, The Inner City In Focus [in:] A. Haase, A. Steinführer, S. Kabisch, K. Grossmann, R. Hall (eds), Residential Change and Demographic Challenge. The Inner City of East Central Europe in the 21st Century, Ashgate, 85-99.
  • Sagan I., 2009, Urban governance. The appeal of a concept and disillusion of a practice. [in:] G. Gorzelak, M. Szczepański, W. Ślęzak-Tazbir (red.), Men – City – Region. Relations and interactions, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa, 73-82. [PL]
  • Sagan I., 2008, Regions, New Regionalism and Regime Theory: Deciphering Post-Socialist Institutional Change. [in:] J. Scott (red.) De-coding New Regionalism. Shifting Socio-political Contexts in Central Europe and Latin America. Ashgate, Aldershot, 93-109.
  • Sagan I., 2008, City as a subject of geographical studies. [in:] B. Jałowiecki (red.) The city as a subject of scientific studies on the beginning of XXI century. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa, 105-119. [PL]
  • Sagan I., 2005, Polish metropolis development perspectives in the period of global and post-socialist transformation. [w:] P. Lorens (red.) Integration and disintegration of metropolitan areas. Urbanista, Warszawa, 65-75. [PL]

Applied works and projects

  • Sagan I., Orłowski P., Szlachetko J.H., 2017, Rozdział 1. Przepisy ogólne. Komentarz do art. 2. [in:] J.H. Szlachetko, K. Borówka (red.), Ustawa o rewitalizacji. Komentarz. Tom 1. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk, 23-43. [PL]
  • Sagan I., Martinez-Fernandez C., Weyman T., 2013, Pomorskie Region: Responding to Demographic Transitions Towards 2035, OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Working Papers Series, OECD Publishing.